Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Autometic Vaccatoin Responder of GMail. Auto Reply feature of GMail.

Today I want to share a very much interesting and helpful feature of GMail. Just think, you want to go vacation and at the

vacation place there is no internet connection. Then if someone email you and if you don't reply then is it not misguiding to him?

GMaile solve this. You can configure your gmail so that, when you are at vacation then at that time some one email you, it will

autometically send an email him for notifying him that, you are now at vacation. Is it not interesting? Ok lets' try :

1. Just login you gmail Account
2. From top right of your gmail account click on "Settings".
3. Now scroll the page and notice the "Vacation responder:"
4. Check the "Vacation responder on".
5. Now write a subject and message to give others while you are at vacation.
6. Ofcourse You have to remmember to save.Save now and done !

Now if anyone emaild you, he will get a reply autometically. You also can filter the person to get this autometic reply by

checking "Only send a response to people in my Contacts". If you cheked this checkbox,only the person who are in your contact list

will get this auto reply.

** Don't give a big subject line and big length of body.If you so, the receiver may get this auto reply as spam message.

To read more simillar interesting tips visit http://technologybrief.blogspot.com/ regularly. This website is update each day with

new interesting tips. Visit http://technologybrief.blogspot.com/ and learn interesting tips and enjoy !

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